• Question: what's your favorite type of fish

    Asked by mini to Lauren on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Lauren Laing

      Lauren Laing answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I have 3 favourite fish! The whale shark, the Zebrafish and the Three-spined Stickleback.

      The whale shark is the biggest fish in the ocean:

      The Zebrafish is a tropical freshwater fish native to the Himalayan region and it’s Latin name is Danio Rerio. They are very popular in aquariums, you may have seen them in the fish shop, there are lots of varieties and people enjoy keeping them as a hobby. The egg shell of a zebrafish is clear or transparent, and so you can see the embryo developing. They develop quite quickly, changing minute by minute, and this can be observed under the microscope!
      Amazingly, humans share 85% of their genes with fish such as the zebrafish! And so we can start to understand how these chemicals may affect both wildlife and humans.

      Here is a video of the first 24 hours of development, you can see the fish forming around the yolk sac which it uses as an energy sources:

      The three spined stickleback is full of character! They live in European fresh waters, they can also live in seawater, which is amazing. They have quite elaborate breeding behaviours too, the male defends his territory and builds himself a nest. After the female has spawned her eggs, he takes care of the eggs, wafting them and protecting them from predators.
      Here is a video about the male stickleback and how great they are as fathers:
